Lice Prevention Tips
Lice Prevention Tips – Basics
Once contracted, lice are quite difficult to get rid of. The best way to avoid the hassles associated with head lice is to take preventive measures to keep from contracting them. Review the following list of lice prevention tips. They are recommended precautions you should take to avoid the contraction and spreading of head lice.
Lice Prevention Tips – Do’s
Ensure to wash all bedding and linens that have come in contact with infected individuals. This will help to avoid further contamination.
- Say no to sleepovers if you have been notified of a lice outbreak at your child’s school
- Tie your child’s long hair back upon hearing of an outbreak to avoid contraction, and screen their hair once a week
Lice Prevention Tips – Don’ts
- Although their actions are difficult to regulate, teach your kids to avoid making head-to-head contact while at school, at after school recreational activities, and with friends.
- Avoid sharing combs, hair brushes, hats, scarves, hair bows, and other such hair accessories
Lice Prevention Tips – Proactive Treatment Options
In order to help you through the frustrating process of dealing with head lice, Just 4 Kids Lice Treatment and Removal Professionals have specially developed our own list of products to get rid of the pesky pests as quickly as possible! Proactively following these simple lice prevention tips will minimize the chances of infestation. It will also make the treatment process as pain and hassle-free as possible.
- Apply Just 4 Kids Prevention Oil onto scalp
- Spray Just 4 Kids Environmental Spray throughout your non-washables in your classroom and home environment
- Wash your clothing with Just 4 Kids Laundry Additive
- To prevent the spread of lice, notify your school, friends and family immediately if detected on your child
Some additional preventive and treatment tips include:
- Inspect your child’s head extra thoroughly when they return from school, camp or sleepovers. It is in these settings that outbreaks are most likely to occur
- Schools and camps often have lice screenings that can help find the source of the outbreak. Make inquiries to help protect your family
- Educate your family and friends that having lice does not depend on the cleanliness of the host. This will help remove the negative stigma associated with head lice. It will also help encourage parents and kids to identify lice and hopefully minimize its spread.
Lice Prevention Tips – Why Just 4 Kids Salon is Different
Remember – At Just 4 Kids, we educate families on lice prevention tips. These tips help to curb the spread of lice in schools and throughout the community. If an infestation is detected, we leverage a trusted and effective system for finding and eradicating lice in potentially infected individuals using a discreet, offsite system:
Just 4 Kids’ Offsite Lice Treatment & Removal Process:
Step 1 – We Inspect and Detect
- Just 4 Kids Salon’s “K9” Team of technicians quickly and safely perform a manual hair screen for lice and nits.
Step 2 – We “Split Hairs”
- Our nit-picking methods provide pin-point accuracy in actually identifying the “hot zones” of lice and eggs within the scalp.
Step 3 – We “Eradicate” Lice
- Our comprehensive hair lice treatment process is guaranteed to safely and effectively remove lice via the special shampoos, creams and other tools conveniently at our disposal. This helps prevent lice and nits from returning to your hair.
Step 4 – We Follow up and Certify our Work
- Just 4 Kids’ lice detection, treatment and removal process is second to none in the industry. Our comprehensive head lice treatment process is not only guaranteed to safely and effectively remove lice, but it helps to prevent them from returning to your child’s scalp.
- Our follow-up and verification process goes a step further than our competition. This is what separates us from the pack – Our specially developed scalp oils, environmental sprays and laundry additive are all geared toward lice prevention and helps to ensure that the pests will not return to your family
- The choice is clear – Just 4 Kids lice treatment and removal is in a class alone.
- Our lice treatment, removal and prevention services are reimbursed by most insurance. Most plans provide reimbursement through health savings accounts (HSA). Check with your provider to determine whether head lice remediation products and services qualify as covered expenses.
Check out Our Lice Prevention Tips Kit:
Do you currently have a lice problem in your home, or would you like to purchase some great all-natural lice treatment products?
Shop Online for our Great Lice Treatment Products:
If you have questions or concerns, give us a call directly on our 24/7 lice removal hotline at (888) 604-2354 and ask to speak with a lice removal specialist. Book an Appointment Today!