Organic Chemistry:
Just 4 Kids Salon – Organic Chemistry – Get Off to a Good Start:
Organic chemistry. Is there anything you can do as a parent that’s more important than ensuring the health and safety of your child?
From the moment of their birth, it begins. Your main goal is to take care of them and keep them safe. This includes protecting them from harmful products! Think about it! These are used inside and on their bodies! Quality ingredients that are organic and/or all-natural are an absolute must. Further, it helps ensure that they grow into strong and healthy adults. Harmful chemicals and pollutants that can impair growth. Further, they can threaten their health later in life. Simply put, they have NO place in anything you use on your child!
Like worrying about them crossing the street, a parent must also worry about their nutrition. Moreover, that they are getting the vital minerals and nutrients they require. Also, you worry that what goes inside and on their body is gentle and safe. Further, it should be nourishing and free of harmful agents. These include pesticides and other toxic chemicals. Finally, it is critical – as a baby’s fragile organic chemistry demands it!
A baby’s immune system is simply less mature and functioning than an adult’s. Also, small children are more vulnerable to products than adults. Consequently, what is peace of mind worth? Wouldn’t you feel better knowing the products you use on your children are organic? Moreover, that they contain only all-natural ingredients? Finally – all products used on children should be free of carcinogens and other harmful radicals.
Just 4 Kids Salon sells only the highest quality all-natural and organic products. This is because we have children of our own! In conclusion, we know that nothing is more important than the health and safety of our children.
Organic Chemistry – The Text Book Basics:
Straight from Wikipedia, Organic chemistry is a sub-discipline of chemistry involving the scientific study of the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds and organic materials, i.e., matter in its various forms that contain carbon atoms.
Organic compounds form the basis of all earthly life. They are structurally diverse. The range of application of organic compounds is enormous, but the main thing all organic elements have in common is the presence of hydrocarbons – or compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen.
This is profoundly important because life as we know it could not exist without the presence of carbon and hydrogen.
Organic Chemistry – The Product “Purity” Test:
Since organic compounds often exist as mixtures, a variety of techniques have also been developed to assess their purity. Essentially, a product that conforms to high levels of pure carbon and hydrogen is linked to its overall purity. Harmful toxins, such as those found in pesticides and some additives and preservatives do not conform to the aforementioned carbon / hydrogen structure. These and are not only considered “inorganic,” they can also be harmful to your immune system and your health. Coupled with the fact that babies’ immune systems are not as developed as adults’ to combat these potentially harmful ingredients, you probably don’t want inorganic products coming anywhere near your child.
Organic Chemistry – Check Out our More Detailed Information:
Even if not actually “harmful” in the common sense of the word, “safe” inorganic compounds found in adult beauty products are simply too harsh on hair, nails and skin. As such, they are not ideal for small kids. For more information, check out our blog for our choice of Best Kids Hair Care Products, as well as our awesome Shop today!
Thanks again for viewing our Organic Chemistry webpage.